Monday, August 12, 2013

Champagne Chicken @ New Paris Restaurant SS@

Of course, this restaurant offers more than this Champagne Chicken but since I only got to snap this picture, what the heck.

This restaurant, dulu-dulu, is a very ap tap restaurant. The floor is not cement but all thin planks. They are noticeable by the way they wrap many layers of plastic sheets at the table so that everytime the customer finish their dinner, all they have to do is to tahpow the table and the next customer can sit and order immediately. this practice speeds the 'table clearing process'.

normally, an old uncle will sit at ur table together with you and take ur order but i have not seen him since many years. but since the renovation, this place is quite comfortably with air-con proper table and chairs.

anyway, back to this chicken, this dish is a must for me everytime i come here. because it is good with rice. they serve a snooker balls for desert (made of watermelon) along with the dish. this chicken dish is basically fried chicken pieces and stir fried with their special champagne sauce. the snooker ball although to some is a waste, to me is damn nice because it is always very cold and memang cukup besar.

other dish that i must really recommend here is their stew pork knuckle. fall of the bone is an understatement for this dish. i normally whack 3 bowls of rice if i ever order this dish. somebody call the ambulance for me pls.

most importantly, no matter how pack this place is, they serve dish faster than mcdonalds. super fast. and unlimited rice.

of course those who came this place before, will sometimes say, last time very nice now not very nice.... well maybe to them. to me, they have been extremely consistent.

Price: to me, it is extremely reasonable. Chicken champagne, fish fillet (dory) stir fried with chives, hong siu taufu and a plate of vege for 4 adult and one1 kid. RM72. We also ordered one coconut plus chinese tea 4 kepala.

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