Thursday, August 1, 2013

Grilled Fish @ BBQ Grilled Fish Clementi

I think Singapore has a lot of nice, healthy food. In fact, most hawker centres have calorie ratings and messages that reminds you that your nasi lemak, bah kut teh and such are very fattening !

But you know, we should indulge once in a while (or if you like - 'Live Dangerously') and just go all out and find the most sinful food you can think of. I don't know how my wife does it, but with the amount of indulgent food that she eats, she doesn't put on weight easily. I would say the same of myself 10 years back, but hey, I'm no spring chicken anymore. What goes in, reflects instantaneously in my big tummy. Some people (like my wife) gets all the fun. :(

So so so, there's a Banana Leaf Grilled Fish near our place, its the first hawker centre just next to the Clementi Interchange and opens from lunch time until about midnight. One night, I just had to blow some steam and indulge in some 'me time', so I set out around 10 pm to this place and ordered a nice piece of grilled sting ray ($8) and a big bottle of Tiger beer. They have a nice range of seafood to choose from, fish, prawns, shellfish and the like.

The lovely uncle (who happens to be the father of an ex-office colleague) took his time to grill the fish to perfection, smothered it with a potent sambal / chilli sauce mix and served it with a cincalok (fermented shrimp paste), onions and bird's eye chilli (cili padi). It came with separate lime pieces, one for this fish, another for the dip. 

This has got to be one of the best dishes to complement beer. It was salty, it was spicy, it had the zing from the lime and the really, really nice kick from the cincalok/cili padi dip. I ate up literally everything, including sucking the soft bones, which itself was good to the last morsel. I would give it a 4.5 rating out of 5. By far, this is our favorite grilled seafood place, this side of the island. Thumbs up.

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